Twincon Energy

Twincon Energy

The world is changing. At Twincon Energy we do not just want to be part of history, we want to steer it and reshape the future. Powered by our own renewable and sustainable source - Energy of youth and Wisdom of age, Twincon Energy commits to a service delivery promise that satisfies global sustainability while empowering communities from grassroots level to exist beyond imagination.

Below are some of Energy services we offer:

    1. Solar panels
      Biogas electricity
      Wind energy
      Power plants
      Electrical material for transformers (cooper, oil, mild steel)
      Link Sticks HV
      Transformers up to 11 700MVA
      Wire grips
      Safety belts
      Rag cloths
      Insulator for overhead line
      Distributors Transformer from 11KV to 123KV
      Power Transformer and Distribution
      Transformer oil filtration and regeneration
      Electrical Motor Rewinding

  • Energy Supplies